Ibarra Ecuador
We have a beautiful center where we can evaluate wheelchair users’ needs, and fit, adjust and repair wheelchairs. We also visit people in their homes in nearby towns if the families are unable to come to the center. We are partnering with Fundación Jen Lee, whose founders Kit and Robert Frank have helped create a self-sustaining prosthetic and orthotic service provision center run by trained local people. For more information see Prótesis Imbabura website: protesisimbabura.com.
We met Edwin who recently became unable to walk and is being carried by his loving brother. When asked whether they wanted an all-terrain or a chair easier to manage in the house, his brother said “Todo Terreno! I want to take him everywhere!”

David was thrilled to receive a wheelchair that after being adapted allows him to sit upright:

Alicia, our wheelchair technician specializes in making adaptations out of cardboard:

(Names have been changed to protect confidentiality)